McDonald Adjaka founded this Brand in 2021, when He discovered that so many people just like him at the time; were struggling with poverty and other tragedies financially with little to no knowledge on how to go about it. After multiple research and ventures, He decided to start giving out everything He learnt to people who are willing to change their lives significantly.

The whole idea of McDonald9ja was founded as a means to help majorly Nigerians and people from other walks of life get premium information for free. Every content on this website have been tested and trusted by experts in the relevant fields to enable readers to get the most out of McDonald9ja’s content for FREE

Self-Development Tips are available to facilitate the development of readers and subscribers who get the most out of themselves by simply keeping up-to-date with relevant content. These contents are proven to aid development in areas such as; Motivation, Determination, Career choice, Passive Income, and lots more.

Financial tips are available to curb waste and the unavailability of funds. Contents are provided to make sure readers stay abreast of every information relevant for them to gain financial stability and avoid getting scammed or wasting hard-earned money. This is a huge deal-breaker as it is FREE.

McDonald9ja is based in Nigeria with most of the content targeted at Nigerians.