Become happy and successful in life by focusing on these five things:

  1. Courage
  2. Identity
  3. Loyalty
  4. Integrity
  5. Discipline


Courage is the ability to face something you are afraid of.

One of life’s cruelest jokes is that the things you’re most afraid of doing are the things that will result in the most growth.

And if you think about it, what are most men afraid of?

Afraid of applying for a job that you’re underqualified for.

Afraid of learning a new skill and looking like a foolish beginner.

Afraid of talking to that smoking hot girl you see every day.

Maybe the chances are low, but do you want to know what your chances are if you don’t try?


Fear of failure is the difference between having everything you want at 40, or living in the consequences of your mistakes in your retirement age.

Shoot enough shots, and one is eventually gonna land.

You’re afraid of failing, but taking an L (Loses) is exactly what you need to do to level up.

The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried.”

– Stephen McCranie

Make failure your best friend.

Have the courage to laugh in the face of failure and embrace it.


If I asked you “who are you?”, would you have a coherent answer?

The number one problem with men today is a lack of identity.

If you don’t know who you are, you’re going to hop from obsession to obsession every few months with no clear aim.

One month you’re into working out to gain some Manly muscles, another month you’ve given up, next thing, you’re a tech guy, another month, a copywriter, etc

You start all these things without finishing any of them.

You become the “jack of all trades, master of none”

And when someone needs help, do they go to the jack of all trades, or do they go to the master?

You need to sit down and figure out who you are.

Are you a problem solver? Are you a writer? A master communicator? Are you a gifted athlete?

Find the one thing you’re good at that NO ONE ELSE can do.

Everyone has this gift, they just haven’t found it yet.

Why is this important?

Once you’ve found your gift, everything else falls into place.

Go all-in in that one direction, and BUILD something out of it.

It might take years, but if it’s something you love and you’re good at, the money will come and it won’t even feel like work.


The people you surround yourself with have a huge influence on you.

Who are the people you would die for, and would those people do the same for you?

Be very selective about the friends – and even family – you spend time with.

Be loyal, but be SELECTIVELY loyal.

Some people can be a huge drain on you – financially, mentally, emotionally – without offering anything in return.

These people have no place in your life. You don’t have the time nor the energy to accommodate leeches.

Your wife, your children, your family, your brothers – by blood or otherwise – THESE are the people that matter.

Keep a small circle and nurture your relationships with them.

These connections are what make life worth living, not being a “lone wolf”/”sigma male” who dies alone.


What are your principles that you would die by?

Do you follow these principles behind closed doors, when no one is watching?

This is integrity.

You need to figure out what you TRULY believe in.

If you say “stealing is bad”, yet would steal from a shop with an absent shopkeeper, you lack integrity.

If you say “cheating is bad” yet sleep with women who are in relationships, you lack integrity.

Be congruent with yourself. Have your actions align with your words.

Figure out where you draw the line on moral questions, and defend that line to the death.

Because if we don’t have principles, what are we?

We are not hairless apes, we are HUMAN BEINGS – with the capacity to think and feel beyond the ability of any other animal.

Why is integrity important?

Integrity helps you sleep at night.

You live guilt-free.

You’ll never find yourself in a “moral dilemma” if your principles are rock solid.

Moreover, you carry with you the confidence of being a man of unbreakable character – and that is priceless.


Most men know what they have to do in life, but they can’t get themselves to do it.

You can read all the self-help books in the world, but if you can’t apply what’s in them, you’re stuck at square one forever.

This is where discipline comes in.

Discipline is having the ability to do something even when you don’t feel like doing it.

Everyone can get motivated to do something for a day, a week, or even a month!

But motivation fades out.

Being able to do something for the rest of your life – THAT’S discipline.

And you’re already disciplined in some aspects of your life:

You take showers regularly, you brush your teeth twice a day (I hope..)

These are non-negotiable parts of your day that you’ve decided you’re going to do no matter what.

Why can’t you do this with your goals as well?

Hopefully, These words will sink something positive in the minds of whoever reads it.

There is a current wave of laziness and adherence to media propaganda that makes us obedient to our flaws instead of fixing them. Use the information herein to help yourself.

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By McDonald Odafe

McDonald Odafe is the owner of mcdonald9ja, your valuable hub for anything related to self development. He is known for His credible ability to research and dig for helpful contents as well as to use his experiences and that of others to help adults make informed decisions and life improvements. He has an OND in Mass Communication and a BSc in Sociology. He has his thing for making sure everyone around him gets valuable information that can help them skyrocket their career and personal life. You can follow McDonald's tips and life changing blog post by bookmarking mcdonald9ja.com.ng

One comment

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