If you know anyone with a first class or second class (upper division) share this with them. Check out the following scholarships: The Michael Taiwo Program is willing to pay the registration fees for GRE, GMAT and TOEFL of intending students focusing on the USA plus their application fees to any grad school of choice.…

Apply for German Scholarship Now! Everything you need to know

I believe you never knew that every year, the German government run a scholarship programme that is the best option for anyone looking for a scholarship. It is called DAAD (The German Academic Exchange Service – German Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) It is known to support over 100,000 German and international students and researchers around the…

Colleges in Canada that accept HND, 2:2, and 3rd class

Are you planning to get a post-graduate degree or certificate from a College in Canada? This might just be the best information you come across today, it becomes very overwhelming doing personal research or paying outrageous sums of money to travel agencies hoping that they find a solution to your “travel abroad plans” which has…