Consistency of Effort

In light of starting something new this year, or wanting self improvement. We shall discuss on the importance of being “Slow and Steady” to win or accomplish our target goal.

Let us dissect the saying where this blog article would be based.



It is quite obvious at this point that it is not talking about the Race where people come together to run for a trophy or whatnot. It is rather talking about life collectively.

Meaning the competition between you and other prospective students applying for a scholarship, the unspoken competition between you and your team members in a project where someone would be chosen for a promotion in the company, the competition between China and the USA on who would become more powerful in the upcoming decades and so on.


Slow here does not necessarily mean that you should live your life like a tortoise neither does it means that you should be a sluggish person. Many people who are procrastinators use this old saying to make themselves feel better. But they are utterly wrong.

Slow here means not being under pressure to do things to speed up a process that has to run through a due process or course. An example can be cited in the growth of Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones (G.O.T). She went through every process to become the conqueror she was. She did not try to skip the process of growth like her brother did (tried to invade King’s Landing without a valid growth or maturity). Instead she conquered cities by cities, gathered armies, trained her dragons from infancy to maturity stage, she was fully prepared physically before moving to the continent; Westeros.

Then a good example that is relatable is the due process of getting a university degree and learning.


Steady is pretty self explanatory at this point but permit me to lay emphasis on the dissection. In the context of what we are analysing, Steady means the following:

  • Being consistent
  • Showing up everyday
  • Never losing momentum

We can as well say “Never ever giving up” towards doing whatever it is you are doing.

Many of us nowadays are quick to give up. Imagine a person who sells shoes and slides for Men. Using WhatsApp as the medium of reach to prospective buyers and customers; many give up over time due to poor sales and inability to scale up their business forgetting there are thousands others selling exactly the same thing they are selling to the same audience. Giving up without trying other formulas means that such persons are not steady such that they lack consistency. A solution to this is provided if you check other articles in this blog. As I can’t drop a link at the time of posting this.

At the end of our very brief dissection of “Slow and Steady Wins The Race”

It is clear that people should know exactly what they are doing and understand that they must follow through the test of time and due process in their field without ever giving up on achieving the main goal.

This could be a student with a Second Class Lower Division interested in getting a scholarship abroad in a competitive country. Some would give up, but a person who is slow and steady would prepare months before the scholarship opens up for application. This same person would put in all their best in writing their cold emails, SOP, etc. They would not mind trying every scholarship that fit into their field. We have seen countless examples of such people and the end is usually a success story.

Slow and steady wins the race means in anything you do, consistency of effort is more crucial for success than inconsistent speed of effort.

Focus your energy on what would work for you this year, something that is very productive and make sure you are very consistent doing it.

Consume the right information on time and fervently. You are made of the information you comprehend and allow inside of you.

Buy courses and books if you have to.

Apologies to all subscribers who have had to wait a whole month to see a new blog post in the new year. We are working on a special e-mail newsletter package for you.

McDonald9ja is back and better. To serve all readers with free self-development tips and other blog posts of similar purpose.

Remember to leave a comment and share.


By McDonald Odafe

McDonald Odafe is the owner of mcdonald9ja, your valuable hub for anything related to self development. He is known for His credible ability to research and dig for helpful contents as well as to use his experiences and that of others to help adults make informed decisions and life improvements. He has an OND in Mass Communication and a BSc in Sociology. He has his thing for making sure everyone around him gets valuable information that can help them skyrocket their career and personal life. You can follow McDonald's tips and life changing blog post by bookmarking

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