Men in your 20s, If you want a great body, Read This

One of my favourite pidgin saying has to be “Who nor like better thing” because honestly; who doesn’t want a good thing for themselves.

Many of us truly admire how masculine most of the Guys we see on TV are, the body of those strong male movie characters and how well they fit into any clothes because they have a great model body.

However, it has proven to be an herculean task for most of us to build ourselves mentally and physically to achieve that. This is what this blog post hopes to tackle.

I’ve spent most of my 20s making every fitness mistake due to certain laziness factors and misplaced priorities. I am writing this because I don’t want you to make the same mistakes. Most especially those of you in your early 20s.

Because the clock is ticking.

Each year your body is less efficient at packing on muscle.

The younger you are the better the results.

Here’s what you should do: (to get better results than me)

Stop relying on motivation, start relying on discipline. You won’t always feel like training. But the truth is nobody does. Motivation gets you started but it always runs out. Never depend on it. Master discipline both physically and mentally because you are going to need it everyday.

Create a system that works for you

Decide when and where you’ll train.

Look at your schedule and ask,

“When am I most likely to succeed?”

Mornings. Evenings. Lunches. Whatever’s best.

Work with your schedule, not against it.

Pick a strength training programme

It doesn’t matter which.

It’s easy to over plan. But the truth is they all work.

You just need to give one your focus.

Let’s talk deeper now.


The goal isn’t to get ripped, it’s to become an athlete (a great sports person) or even a model. You even begin to carry yourself as one.

When you think of yourself as one, you don’t rely on motivation.

You know how to act because you know who you are.

When in doubt, just ask, “What would an athlete do?”

The number one priority when you train/workout is consistency, not intensity.

Most people get this wrong.

It’s better to turn up consistently for a year than burn out within a month.

Don’t overdo it.


Yes, this means don’t avoid legs.

And trust me, women like legs as much as they do biceps.

Take pride in building everything, not just what’s on show.

Don’t focus on only your arms and chest. You don’t want to end up looking like real life Johnny Bravo.

Ensure you do routines for every body parts that can be worked on.

Use this method to carve yourself into becoming a Greek god 🙂 ….just kidding but you get what I meant.


If you’re not adding weight or reps each week, you’re not growing.

It might feel easy to stick to one weight. But zoom out over a year and you won’t see much progress.

Aim to beat yourself from last week.

Focus on compound lifts:

  • Squat
  • Deadlift
  • Flat + Incline Bench
  • Overhead Press
  • Pull Ups

80% of your results will come from these.


Form is the technical execution of a lift.

Bad form will stall your progress and is a recipe for an injury.

It happens when you go too heavy. When you let the ego get involved.

Watch the pros lift, then film yourself doing the same. Learn and adjust your form.

Don’t do any workout routine because you want to please your ego, always put your body and form before anything.


Understanding how nutrition works is needed if you want to look good.

Luckily, it’s easy to grasp the basics.

Incorporate diet into your training.

Whether you cut, bulk or maintain depends on your body fat.

If you are slim and thin like me, you should focus on eating as much as you can.

Consume a lot of proteins, calories and whatever works for you so you have enough fat to convert to muscles.


Trust me. You do not want to get injured.

There is nothing worse than watching your gains disappear.

Doing a mobility routine a couple times a week will save you months of pain.

If you want to add Yoga, you can.


You’re not perfect. Workouts will be missed.

Most people beat themselves up about this, but instead accept you’ll miss one session here and there.

Missing one won’t make a huge impact. Missing two sets up a pattern.

Make a rule to never miss twice.

The most important workout is the one you don’t feel like doing and trust me on this. They’re the most important.

That’s when you reinforce the identity of an athlete or top class model.

Showing up to do a half decent workout on your bad day is more important than acing one on a good day.

It shows how great your discipline is.


You’re not a child, you have heard about discipline and home workouts.

If you cannot afford to pay for the Gym or get those fancy workouts equipments, stick to building and carving your body using “No equipments required routines”

You can always find a solution to this using YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or if you are one of my clients, you can reach out to me on this.

I believe I have given you enough expo needed to build your body into exactly what you desire.

Ensure you master the art of looking like a real masculine Man.

Remember to leave a comment and share with anyone who you feel might need this.

By McDonald Odafe

McDonald Odafe is the owner of mcdonald9ja, your valuable hub for anything related to self development. He is known for His credible ability to research and dig for helpful contents as well as to use his experiences and that of others to help adults make informed decisions and life improvements. He has an OND in Mass Communication and a BSc in Sociology. He has his thing for making sure everyone around him gets valuable information that can help them skyrocket their career and personal life. You can follow McDonald's tips and life changing blog post by bookmarking

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